Influencer unboxing VR headset for social media marketing

Influencer Based Marketing Is Crucial

Influencers have taken over every social media platform. From being themselves and posting about their lavish lives, they have created vast communities that trust and look up to them. This has created a great space for businesses to target to spread their brand.

Influencer Led Campaigns

Influencers have a stranglehold on the social media space these days. A high percentage of Instagram users follow an influencer or two. Loyal supporters genuinely take influencers’ interests to heart, which gives businesses a clear lane to potential customers. These potential customers feel a sense of authenticity from their favorite influencers. Also, the reason influencers succeed is because they build credibility and trust with their fanbase, this is why partnering with them to promote your product or service is so important. Posts, stories, and other forms of unique content uploaded by influencers are all ways a business can use these partnerships to its advantage.

Unique Content

The credibility and trust an influencer develops with their community cannot be understated. It is a highly valuable asset not only for the influencer, but the businesses willing to create a partnership to spread brand awareness. Account takeovers, for example, are a great method to get your brand name out there to these influencers’ communities. As a business you allow one of these influencers to post their own photos or videos onto your account with clever tags, hashtags, and keywords. The influencer will also repost and share these forms of content. This brings your brand right into their community opening new doors to new customers and a higher level of engagement. This strategy is probably the most efficient way to market for the price it costs.

local listing

Local Business Listings Sites That Will Get You Referral Traffic

Local SEO is a must when you have business listings with a physical location and expect customers to visit. You will need to pay special attention to location-specific SEO requirements for your site apart from other generic SEO essentials. In the WooRank Project tool you will learn a whole range of actionable SEO tips to get your business the online exposure it deserves. More than 20 percent of Google Search is local, as Google and other search engines sort location-specific businesses into localized search results.

digtial marketing trends

Digital Marketing Strategies

The digital marketing landscape seems to change every six months or so. You have to stay on your toes as a business owner or in a marketer’s role if you want to stay ahead of the curve.

Personalized Digital Marketing

With everything being online there is a boatload of data that can be collected on a future customer. Where they shop, how they shop, and trends that influence when they decide to purchase a product or service. Utilizing this data as a business is very important to retain previous customers and bring new ones in. It’s all about creating a user-friendly experience. One example of this is Spotify’s personalized playlists. It collects all the data of its users and creates unique playlists. Songs these users have never heard of but match the type of music they love keep the user engaged and feel a sense of personality with the service. This also leads to users sending these playlists to friends and families, which brings new potential customers into the fold.

For You Tabs

Services like Netflix and Hulu, for example, they use intelligent algorithms that combine all learned data from the shows and movies you watch to create personal “For You” tabs. They will also have voting questions after you finish watching so that they can collect even more data to improve the algorithm. These strategies are simple yet effective in keeping the user hungry for more content.

Optimal Time Of Posts

There is much more to digital marketing on platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok than just pressing a few buttons. Data shows there are times best fit to post and promote your brand compared to times that lack engagement. When you look through the insights of your social media account it will show how much engagement you are receiving. Businesses in today’s world usually follow the same rules. Post at least once a day between the hours of 3pm to 6pm and then another window of 6pm to 9pm. The data shows that these hours receive the most traffic which is when you are getting your brand out there.

Our phones and tablets are basically extensions of us as humans, therefore, creating an intense form of personalization is crucial to growing your customer base.


young woman creating marketing video

Why Video Marketing Is Starting To Dominate

Over the past ten years, many people have formed routines and behaviors centered around their smartphones and computers. The same is true of browsing and shopping trends. Nowadays, some people won’t even go shopping in person unless it’s for groceries; they exclusively shop online. Companies across the world have embraced these trends to enhance their marketing tactics.

Fast-Paced Modern Marketing Videos

People today have shorter attention spans because they are bombarded with content on social media platforms all day long. Therefore, creating clever marketing videos that catch viewers’ interest is essential. Videos shared on social media sites like Instagram and TikTok have become very popular due to how quickly they attract viewers. Customers who are idly scrolling through their feeds are reached by short, fashionable marketing videos. These are more efficient and effective techniques to sell your company’s name.

The Science Of Generating Excitement

In digital marketing, a connection is essential. By using fast-paced, relevant, or surprising videos, you can attract customers from almost anyone. Something that strikes the eye on these platforms can help a company achieve its goal of maintaining customers to remember the brand for hours, days, or even weeks after they see it. A business with a memorable, modern video marketing campaign generates excitement and will always have an edge over the competition.